Sunday, August 28, 2011

New TMNT Toys 8.28.11!

This past week I had the opportunity to cash in on some more new and very cool vintage Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles off of Craigslist!  I am now the proud collector of over 100 action figures and many different vehicles and play sets.  The thing about the ninja turtle line of toys is that their are so many different and unique characters that were made.  I would guess their are around five to ten times more toys than what I have in my early collection.  I am also a bit picky.  I am not interested in anything newer than the late 1990's.  I grew up as a kid with the cartoon show and collected many of the turtles growing up so I have a special connection there. The newer line of toys are too anime looking for me and don't hold a torch to the old line of toys.  Being around 20 years old the toys are especially hard to find with their accessories or complete at all.

These are only a few from the vast collection I acquired.  Overall it was a great find.  Out of the 60 figurines I was able to add about 20, will sell around 20 and the rest were broken.  I was fine with taking the broken ones because the broken pieces were still with the collection and can be easily super glued back together and in working order.  It also came with around 200-300 accessories.  Some or most went to the toys that I have or perhaps extras from other long lost and forgotten pieces.  Still great to have and can add to other action figures in the future.

The number one item that attracted me to this sale was the photo to your left.  It is called the Technodrome and is a very hard piece to find without shelling out a lot of money.  It is a complete piece and goes great with my ever growing collection.  Thanks to Ryan for the sale.  It was his personal collection that he had from when he was a child.  Feel free to comment and let me know what you think!


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