Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Movie Review: Black Swan

Yesterday I had a few spare hours of time and decided to catch the film Black Swan.  It stars Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis and Vincent Cassel.  It is directed by Darren Aronofsky whom has made such films as The Wrestler, The Fountain and Requiem for a Dream.  It is a highly acclaimed film and has been winning many awards on it's way to the big Academy Awards this year.  This is one of those films that come around every year and I really wonder if this appeals to the wider audience of film goers or is it something that is made purely for the awards and critical acclaim with a lackluster following?  It is probably best to watch the trailer before you read this review if you have never heard of this film and may be thinking of watching it in the future.

This is a film that personally, I was not all too excited to watch.  From the trailer it shows a lot of ballet.  I'm not a big fan of ballet in general so my interest didn't peak too much.  I think that even if you watch the trailer and are a fan of ballet, you still may want to be reserved about watching this film.  It is a psychological thriller. It follows a young woman Nina, played by Portman, who wants nothing but to be a star in a famous ballet called Swan Lake.  Her mother, played by Barbara Hershey, is an overbearing woman whom seems to want it more for her daughter than anyone including Nina herself.  Swan Lake requires that Nina must not only play the good, white swan but also the dark, black swan.

In walks Lily, played by Mila Kunis, whom in heart and everything she does is the black swan.  The 2 women begin to rival for the top spot in Swan Lake.  As Nina becomes more obsessed with being both parts, the crazier she gets.  She begins to see a dark version of herself only to have it fulfilled in reality by Lily.  Lily takes advantage of this and forms a risky and dangerous relationship with Nina.  Will Nina go over the edge?  Does Lily take the top spot in Swan Lake or can Nina pull off both parts without being tainted by Lily?  That is the question and that is up to you to decide if you want to see The Black Swan.

Did I like this movie?  NO.  Am I going to watch it again?  YES.  Why?  Well, I feel this is a movie that needs to be analyzed further and perhaps from repeat viewings I might like it better?  I doubt it but I have been wrong in the past.  Like I said earlier.  I am not a fan of ballet.  I like Natalie Portman and she did a good job acting.  Mila Kunis brought nothing to the film in my opinion.  She is eye candy and does fine in doing just that.  I was surprised to see Wynona Rider in a small but good role as the previous head Swan.  I was really surprised how sexual this film was.  If your not a fan of sex in film being man/woman, woman/woman then this film is not for you.  I was actually shocked how graphic some of the scenes were with Natalie Portman.  No nudity but you don't always need nudity to be pretty graphic.  Not much these days shock me.  I guess I just wasn't expecting it from this film.

Darren Aronofsky brought us The Wrestler last year and it fell short of winning best film of the year.  I thought that was a way better film overall.  I recommend The Wrestler if you really want to watch a good film.  Again, I wonder about films like this and what the general audience thinks? How can films win all these awards and really no one remembers them 5 years from now?  I guess this film just caters to certain kinds of people, not me.  I will watch this again and maybe I can come back with a different review but being as pessimistic as I am.  I highly doubt it!


Unknown said...

It sounds like the idea for this movie had the potential to be interesting but didn't quite make it. I would think that if it really was a good film it would keep the viewer's attention even if it was based on a subject matter they didn't really care for- such as,in this case, ballet. Half a pizza it is.

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