Thursday, March 3, 2011

2 movies that you haven't heard of but should!

A single person can only watch so many films a year.  If you watched one per day, every day, that would only be 365 flicks a year.  I watch a s-load but I don't think I watch that many....err, wait.  Ok, maybe I do but I am not your normal person and I have to keep up to let all you know about the good stuff out there!  Which brings me to the point of this article.  I think as a society we miss so many great films from the many different genres there are.  We are persuaded by the film companies and the billions of dollars they spend of advertising and rightfully so.  That's how this business works right?  The sad and unfortunate thing is that so many lower budget or perhaps films that the movie studios don't see fit in supporting like the big summer tent pole flicks ultimately fall through the cracks and end up with the other thousand lonely films in your netflix cue.  Well you are in luck!  Today I am sharing with you two films that are currently making their way through American film festivals and hopefully to a theater or at least on demand for you to enjoy.


Instantly from watching this trailer I wanted to see this film.  The cast alone looks amazing.  This stars Rain Wilson, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Natalie Portman.  I can't quite tell if Hesher is going to be a figment of the boy's imagination or what?  He looks bad ass and I totally think this is going to be a good film!  Ever heard of it before?  Nope, neither have I.  Just happened to read a small tidbit about it and here I am.


I haven't heard much about this film either.  I know that it has been playing at American film festivals and is a pretty big hit at the South By Southwest Festival.  I did hear that of all people Dane Cook is in this as the creepy principal and sure enough there he is.  I got a lot of mixed emotions from watching this trailer.  At times it didn't seem like much more than a campy cross between Jennifer's Body and The Breakfast Club.  The one nerdy guy sitting in detention looks like a cross between Napoleon Dynamite and Anthony Michael Hall.  Then as the final montage plays I am seeing a space ship and all kinds of other weird stuff that does peak my attention.  I'm not swayed either way but very interested.  All we can do is stay tuned!


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