Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How I Finally Got A Taste of High-C Ecto Cooler!

Long story short I like millions of other adults in their 30's drank the famous green drink "Ecto Cooler" Ghostbusters themed fruit drink from the Hi-C company back in the late 1980's.  It was an awesome drink as a kid and was short lived as the Ghostbusters brand kinda went to the wayside in the 90's through the early 2000's.

Over the years for various Ghostbuster themed birthday parties we scoured the internet and found various recipes of homemade cooler.  At the time you always think it doesn't taste quite the same as it did when you were a kid.  Drinking the new stuff, the cooler we made didn't really taste far off and looked pretty much the same.  So here we are in 2016 and it's a huge Ghostbusters time again and we see the re-release of the same drink we loved years ago.  I'm a huge social media guy.  I have Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  Clear back in March or earlier I start seeing people posting pictures of this stuff.  I read all the info and different captions about how good it is and it's coming soon to a store near you.  LIES!  LIES!  It has been over 6 months later.  The movie has come and gone.  I found the special edition twinkies and cupcakes.  We ate them but not cooler. Where was this stuff and why was it so elusive?

I literally saw this stuff all over online.  Looking back I think most of these posts have either been from the eastern USA or the midwest.  I know nothing about distribution of different products.  I don't know living on the west coast is a disadvantage?  Maybe we aren't good enough out here? Hostess hooked us up.  I saw every other crazy promotion that had something to do with Ghostbusters.  Why no Ecto Cooler?  I still don't know the answer.  The official website says available at Wal-Mart.  Not my Wal-Mart and none of the stores within a 100 mile radius of my hometown.  I even thought a specialty store like FYE would carry it.  Nope.  In the end we ordered a case of it from  It took about a week to get to my local store for pick up.  I was surprised it was in a can.  The old cooler was in a box but I believe this time around it was both the box and can.  The can is cool though.  I kept one can for my collection unopened.  Their was nothing better though than sharing the experience of drinking Ecto Cooler with my own children. It was worth the wait and the hunt of trying to find it all along.


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